A space for art, culture, inquiry, and open digital access
SITUATED explores topics through curated multimedia content from around the web, and hosts a platform for original works in a visually dynamic digital space.

“Situated knowledges are about communities, not about isolated individuals. The only way to find a larger vision is to be somewhere in particular.”
- Donna Haraway, 1988
How did this project start?
SITUATED is the self-initiated/funded site run by designer and illustrator Clara Dudley. The project began in March 2020 as a response to the upheaval of COVID-19 across the world, and was originally intended to be a digital resource site. The concept since evolved into a web magazine focused on various topics of contemporary interest: arts and culture, environment and climate, history, physical and mental health, and first person perspectives.
The site relies on a strong and engaging visual identity, has a cultural focus on Ireland and the USA, and is composed of three core elements: curated collections of accessible online media; original literary and creative work; and resource links.
How do I use this site?
Each column has main long-form features that sit at the top section of each page. There are also corresponding blogs for each subject; you may click on the category link at the top of each post to filter by category on a separate page (ie., Online Resources, Media, etc).
Is there a print version?
Not right now. Hopefully one day, but for now it is a completely free to view online magazine and blog.
Where do you get the media that is used on this site?
The media content comes from various free-to-use sources which fall under free-use, Creative Commons, or public domain licensing. Many images are from Unsplash, which is included in the Squarespace website platform. Some of the images are my own work under copyright (and cannot be used or reproduced without permission/attribution). There are embedded multimedia sources, such as YouTube videos, Spotify or SoundCloud playlists/tracks, or other major platform sources.
There are also republished articles from media sources that allow for free republishing under Creative Commons licensing. The copyright and intellectual property of these pieces belong to the writer; where applicable, the credit of the authors/sources and links to original articles are supplied.
Do you accept pitches, or can I submit work to be featured?
As of 2022, SITUATED is not accepting pitches or suggestions. It is indefinitely on hold. You may check out the social links below to follow for archival content. Thank you!
Where do I find you on social media?
Follow on Instagram at @situatedmag and Twitter, support our work on Ko-Fi, follow select stories on the Medium.com publication, or follow Clara on Instagram @clara_voyant_
Where can I get in contact with the Editor?
Get in touch via email here!
Updated March 2023
Image by Greg Purcell, 2020
About the Editor
SITUATED is the personal project of Clara Dudley, a writer, art director, and illustrator based in San Francisco, California. She’s the designer, editor and administrator of the site; unless otherwise noted in the byline (ie., republished or guest works), all content is curated by her.